A Study of Adversity Quotient in Pursuing a Master’s Degree of Teachers in Mahachai Christian Wittaya School: Multi- Case Studies

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Wirunda Meetup
Arthit Intakaew


To further study at graduate levels of teachers is counted as a career path and professional development. This also promotes their teaching and learning management as well as an achievement of students in schools. However, teachers encounter adversity quotient and obstacles in pursuing their graduate degrees because they need to study and work at the same time. This qualitative study aimed to deeply understand the phenomenon of adversity quotient of teachers at Mahachai Christian Wittaya School in pursuing a master’s degree. Five key informants were recruited which were consisted of a school administrator, a teacher as a head of the department, and teachers. A purposive selection was used to carefully recruit teachers who are studying at the graduate levels and teaching at schools simultaneously. The research instruments were the interview and observation forms. Thematic analysis was used to analyzed qualitative data. Trustworthiness was also employed to ensure the credibility of the findings. The results revealed that there were five challenges, or adversity quotient of teachers in pursuing their graduate degrees: (1) their learning in a graduate level, (2) their physical and psychological wellbeing, (3) conducting research as a requirement of a study, (4) balancing their learning and working at schools simultaneously, (5) maintaining and compromising their relationship with others in schools. The information and findings of this study were beneficial for school administrators, leaders, HR professionals and stake holders in proposing a guideline of managing and facilitating teachers in schools to pursue their higher degree as a part of their professional development. 

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