Guideline of the Development of Functional Competency and Motivation of Security Officer at Suvarnabhumi Airport

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Rattanaporn Naklang
Meechai Sricharoen


This research article aims to 1) examine the competencies and motivations of the security officer at Suvarnabhumi Airport and 2) explore guidelines for developing the competencies and motivations of the security officer at Suvarnabhumi Airport through mixed-methods research. The sample groups consist of 280 security officers and 15 key informants. Research tools include questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis includes percentages, frequencies, averages, standard deviations, t-tests, and triangulation. The research findings are that 1) Most security officers demonstrate high competency levels overall. 2) Most security officers demonstrate high motivation levels overall. 3) Guidelines for developing work competencies among security officers suggest the need for training to enhance their knowledge, focusing on necessary job skills, developing emotional stability, and incorporating technology. 4) Guidelines for developing motivation in the work duties of security officers suggest providing opportunities for learning and skill development, acknowledging good performance, providing clear understanding and direct support, specifying responsibilities clearly to enable officers to perform to their full potential, offering opportunities for growth and career development to enable officers to specialize in their field, reviewing compensation to enhance enthusiasm in work, and creating a happy and understanding atmosphere to help reinforce stress management skills.

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