Local government according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560

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suriyasak mangkornkaewwikul
Sophonvich Sekkhunthod
Kantaphat Chaaboon
Chaiya Tepa


Local government organizations are government agencies established according to the principles of decentralization. This is the principle that the government has given some administrative authority to local government organizations in providing public services. To meet the needs or to solve the problems of the people in that locality. By requiring local government organizations to have personnel budget and have independent authority in management Both in terms of economic development, laying down public utility systems and public facilities, providing services and social welfare under government supervision. Currently, there are 2 forms of local government: the first form is the general form of local government. There are 3 forms: Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO), Municipality (Nakhon Municipality, City Municipality, and Subdistrict Municipality) and Subdistrict Administrative Organization (Subdistrict Administrative Organization). The second form is a special form of local government. There are two forms: Bangkok (Bangkok) and Pattaya. As of 2023, Thailand has a total of 7,850 local government organizations. According to the 2017 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, the origins of Local council members must be elected. As for local administrators, they are elected or approved by the local council. Except for the special form of local government organization, it can be obtained by other means as provided by law, but must take into account the participation of the people in the area. In order for local government to be in accordance with the constitution, later in the year 2019, 6 acts regarding local laws were promulgated. All 6 local laws have the essence of specifying the qualifications and prohibited characteristics of candidates for local elections. to match By adhering to the Act on Election of Local Council Members or Local Administrators, B.E. 2002, amended to (No. 3) B.E. 2011.

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