Purchasing Behavior and Marketing Factors Affecting Success in Thai herbal Products Business

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Pramote Anusornwiriyakul


Characteristics of behavior in purchasing Thai herbal products. Consumers have many behaviors, consisting of the average cost per purchase. Brand selection Characteristics of Thai herbal products purchased and the purpose of purchasing Thai herbal products, respectively. Marketing factors for the Thai herbal product business that consumers attach great importance to include product, price, and distribution channels. and marketing promotion respectively Behavioral characteristics of buying herbal products are highly related to marketing factors of Thai herbal products business. Product side, price side, distribution channel side and marketing promotion, respectively. Marketing factors for Thai herbal product business Consisting of products, prices, marketing promotions, and distribution channels. In order, these factors together predict the success path in the Thai herbal product business at 60.4 percent with statistical significance at the .05 level. Benefits from research That is new innovation is a guideline for success in running a Thai herbal product business. Guidance for success in operating a Thai herbal product business, knowledge found Marketing factors for Thai herbal product business Consisting of the product side, paying attention to and improving products to respond to consumer needs in various areas. In terms of price, attention should be paid to and improvement of pricing that is appropriate for quality and quantity. Prices consistent with target customers In terms of marketing promotion, attention should be paid to and improvement of advertisements. Public relations through online media and in terms of distribution channels, attention should be given to improving distribution channels through convenience stores. Sold through many channels: Omni Chanel, sold through stores, pharmacies, and herbal shops. and sold directly by personnel

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