Marketing Communication Strategy Exposures, Customer Requirements and Motivations towards freight Transportation Providers

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จินตนา สินทรา
Phot Jaichansukkit


The objective of this research is to examine the level of acceptance among customers towards marketing communication techniques employed by freight transportation service providers, as well as their specific needs and motives. It is a quantitative research. The study examined different business entities that utilized freight transportation services. The sample consisted of 400 individuals who utilized freight transportation. The sample methods used were multi - stage sampling. The statistical methods utilized included chi-square, F-test/One-way ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis.

          The findings revealed that participants from limited companies in industrial sectors with over 4 years of operation and middle management positions tended to employ marketing communication strategies. The exposure to marketing communication strategies for using freight transportation providers mostly came from word-of-mouth and the Line application program, with frequencies of 4-6 times per week from 08:00 to 16:00. Questions were asked using inbox messages. Furthermore, the overall need to use freight transportation providers was at the highest level, with a mean of 4.77, and the overall motivation was at 4.72, also at the highest level.

          The results of the hypothesis testing revealed the following findings: 1) Organizational characteristics, including the type and format of businesses, operational durations, organizational position, and service utilization, were influenced by marketing communication strategies in different ways. 2) The exposure to marketing communication strategies, such as offline and online media, frequencies, and interaction formats, varied depending on motivational factors. 3) customer requirement such as price, duration, and safety had an important influence on motivation at a significant level of 0.05.

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