Democratization in Thailand

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Phramaha Kritthanin Setthamethi
Supad Thong-in
Panya Anantathanachai
Banjong Somanee


The Review article has studied that Thailand is governed by an Absolute Monarchy until 1932. Afterward, it has been governed by democracy till nowadays. In terms of Political Science, democracy is accepted as the best system to change the worst situation of a country into a better situation. Democracy has been using more than 80 years to develop the country. However, it has been stuck due to several problems to block the development of a democratic system. The concept of democratization in Thailand should be the indicator to lead a country to the developed situation. It is that 1) No buying rights and selling vote, 2) Anti-corruption, 3) No promoting of the patronage system, 4) Anti-Cronyism, 5) Following the system of good governance, 6) Using the legal proceedings to punish the criminal, and lastly 7) making a promise to the mutual declaration to protect democracy. In the long journey of democracy, the people of the country must practice tolerance to support democracy terms by terms. Meanwhile respecting the rule and following the law of democracy including not breaking the procedure is an important factor in democratizing a country into a developed situation like other countries.

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