Effect of Sensory Qualities and Consumer Satisfaction towards Larb-Favored Plant-Based Nuggets Made from White Tofu and Potato


  • Krittin Chumkaew
  • Nucharee Thongkumjun
  • Natjaya Mekrawee
  • Bussarakam Seedaluang
  • Sirinthip Suttapong
  • Chaiyasit Punfujinda -


Plant-Based Nuggets, White tofu, Larb flavor, Sensory qualities, Consumer satisfaction


This research aimed to develop Larb-flavored plant-based nuggets produced from white tofu and potato. The objectives of the study included investigating the optimal formulation of the plant-based nuggets, determining the appropriate proportion of white tofu and potato in the plant-based nuggets, exploring different flavor profiles for the plant-based nuggets, and assessing consumer satisfaction. After evaluating various optimal formulations, the third formulation received the highest consumer satisfaction. For the substitution of chicken with white tofu and potato, it revealed that a combination of 80% white tofu and 20% potato was most accepted by consumers. This finding influenced the flavor selection for the plant-based nuggets, considering regional preferences across different regions of the country, which were "Sai Ua" for the Northern region, "Isan-style Larb" for the Northeastern region, "Tom Yum" for the Central region, and "Roast Curry" for the Southern region. It was found that consumers chose Larb flavor to season the plant-based nuggets. The optimal proportion of Larb powder for flavoring the nuggets was 10%. Based on the consumer satisfaction results, it was found that the majority of consumers (90%) were willing to accept the product, and 91% made a purchase when the product was available in the market. Additionally, the reasons for their decision to purchase the product were as follows: 31% for its Thai taste, 29% for being meat-free, 25% for its benefits, and 15% for it being a new product, respectively.


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How to Cite

Chumkaew, K., Thongkumjun, N., Mekrawee, N., Seedaluang, B., Suttapong, S. ., & Punfujinda, C. (2024). Effect of Sensory Qualities and Consumer Satisfaction towards Larb-Favored Plant-Based Nuggets Made from White Tofu and Potato. Journal of Thai Food Culture, 5(2). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jfood/article/view/267102



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