The Development of Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling Model for Enhancing Emotional Resilience of Adolescents in Foster Home


  • ณฐวัฒน์ ล่องทอง
  • ผ่องพรรณ เกิดพิทักษ์
  • ประสาร มาลากุล ณ อยุธยา


Cognitive behavioral group counseling, emotional resilience, adolescents in foster home


The purpose of this research was to develop a cognitive behavioral group counseling model for enhancing emotional resilience of adolescents in foster home. The population of emotional resilience study were 164 adolescents. The sample consisted of 48 adolescents in foster home in Bangkok metropolitan randomly assigned into two experimental groups and two control groups. Each experimental group consisted of 12 males and 12 females whereas each control group consisted of 12 males and 12 females. This research was mixed method research and nonparametric statistical techniques were used for analyzing the data. The results of this research were as follows: The emotional resilience of 164 adolescents in foster home were average; The cognitive behavioral group counseling model was developed by applying concepts and techniques of cognitive behavioral group counseling theory for managing inappropriate cognition, emotion, and behavior; Statistically significant differences in total scores of the emotional resilience of the experimental group existed between after the experiment and before the experiment and between the follow-up and before the experiment at .001 level. No significant difference in the emotional resilience was found after the follow-up and after the experiment; Statistically significant difference in total scores of the emotional resilience between the experimental group and the control group existed after the experiment and after the follow-up at .001 level. No significant difference in emotional resilience was found between the two groups before the experiment; The focus group discussion indicated that the female adolescents were very satisfied with the model. They had opportunity to share their beliefs, feelings, and experiences. They understood their emotions and got some more experience in managing their emotions. While the male adolescents reported that the group counseling activities help them confident to manage their emotions and behavior. They also had ability to stop their furious and gained more ability to manage their emotional resilience.


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How to Cite

ล่องทอง ณ., เกิดพิทักษ์ ผ., & ณ อยุธยา ป. ม. (2018). The Development of Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling Model for Enhancing Emotional Resilience of Adolescents in Foster Home. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 19(2), 199–214. retrieved from



Research articles