Creative Tourism and the Management of Activity Uniqueness with an Emphasis on Thai Food


  • วงศ์วิภา โถสุวรรณจินดา
  • สุวารี นามวงค์


Activity Uniqueness, Ccreative Tourismtourism, Thai cooking class, Thai food


This study aimed to create Thai food activity uniqueness for creative tourism. The quantitative approach was employed for a sample survey of 400 foreign tourists at Thai cooking class in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used to analyze data. The results revealed 6 main components, i.e. value and experience, content activity transfer to tourists, authenticity of activity, differences from general tourism activity, worthiness of participation, and different from normal social and daily life were important factors to create Thai food activity uniqueness for creative tourism. The most significant factor influencing Thai food activity uniqueness was the creation of great value and experience for tourists who participated in the activities.


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How to Cite

โถสุวรรณจินดา ว., & นามวงค์ ส. (2019). Creative Tourism and the Management of Activity Uniqueness with an Emphasis on Thai Food. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 20(October), 127–142. retrieved from



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