

  • ปิยะทิพย์ ประดุจพรม lecturer
  • กนก พานทอง
  • รุ่งฟ้า กิติญาณุสันต์


Flourishing scale, cognitive flourishing, psychological flourishing, social flourishing


PURPOSES: This research aimed to construct a flourishing scale, to test a construct validity of the flourishing scale, and to develop an online version of the flourishing scale for upper-secondary school students. METHODS: The research procedure was divided into three stages as follows: 1) a development of the flourishing scale by synthesizing four main theories which indicated that the flourishing consisted of three components i.e. cognitive flourishing, psychological flourishing, and social flourishing; 2) a construct validity investigation by using a second-order confirmatory factor analysis via LISREL computer program among 450 participants; and 3) a development of an online version of the flourishing scale as a web application. RESULTS: The scale for measuring the flourishing for upper-secondary school students had an overall reliability coefficient of .94, for each component being .74 for cognitive flourishing subscale, .81 for psychological flourishing subscale, and .93 for social flourishing subscale  respectively. The flourishing model was consistent with the empirical data in that = 1,037.56, df = 817, / df = 1.27, RMSEA = .02, SRMR = .04, GFI = .91 and CFI = .99. The factor loadings had positive values and significant at .01 level. The online version of the flourishing scale for upper-secondary school students had the highest score for appropriateness. CONCLUSIONS: The developed scale was an innovation and effectively able to measure flourishing aspects of upper-secondary school students and it is easy for use.



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How to Cite

ประดุจพรม ป. ., พานทอง ก. ., & กิติญาณุสันต์ ร. (2020). การพัฒนามาตรวัดความเจริญงอกงามแบบออนไลน์สำหรับนักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 21(2), 137–158. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jkbu/article/view/247135



Research articles