The influence of service marketing mix on Korean cuisine traveling intention among the generation Z of Thai population


  • Tunyaluk Anekjumnongporn Kasem Bundit University
  • Pongsavake Anekjumnongporn Bangkok University
  • Tarntawan U-napark Bangkok University
  • Sun Mi Yoo Kasem Bundit University
  • Je Hyuk Woo Kasem Bundit University
  • Chorong Kim Kasem Bundit University


Service marketing mix, Cuisine traveling intention, Generation Z Thai population


PURPOSES: To investigate the level of Korean cuisine traveling intention, compare Korean cuisine traveling intention with social-economic background, and study the influence of service marketing mix on Korean cuisine traveling intention among generation Z of Thai population. METHODS: It was a sample survey research. The questionnaires were collected from 709 respondents who were generation Z of Thai population which were selected by multistage sampling technique. RESULTS: It was found that generation Z of Thai population had a high level of Korean cuisine traveling intention. Generation Z of Thai population who had different genders were different in Korean cuisine traveling intention significantly (p<0.05). The service marketing mix influenced Korean cuisine traveling intention among generation Z of Thai population significantly (p<0.01). THEORETICAL/POLICY IMPLICATIONS: Travel agencies or people involved in the tourism business could use the research results as guidelines for appropriately organizing Korean cuisine traveling for generation Z of Thai population.


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How to Cite

Anekjumnongporn, T., Anekjumnongporn, P., U-napark , T., Yoo, S. M., Woo , J. H., & Kim, C. (2024). The influence of service marketing mix on Korean cuisine traveling intention among the generation Z of Thai population. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 25(2), 38–52. retrieved from



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