Creating Competitive Advantage with Information Technology and Innovation of Hotel Business in Thailand : Literature Review


  • จิตรลดา พันธุ์พณาสกุล มหาวิทยาลัยหาดใหญ่


Competitive Advantage, Information Technology, Innovation


This study are documentary research technic reviewing both domestic and international literature to present study results of the study of information technology and innovation influencing the competitive advantage of the hotel business in Thailand. The study of concepts and review of literature related to the use of information technology and innovation in the management and services of hotel business in Thailand to creating a competitive advantage. The results indicate that information technology and innovation are factors that influence the competitive advantage in the hotel business. Information technology and innovation have an indirect influence on the competitive advantage and information technology are leading to innovation that creating a competitive advantage for the hotel business. Therefore, hotel operators in Thailand should focus on the use of information technology and innovation in the management of new services and digital marketing to create different types of businesses and create a competitive advantage of the hotel business in Thailand.


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