Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Customer's Decision Making in Purchasing SportsEquipment Production for Business of Customers in Mueang District, Chonburi Province


  • Sriprapaporn Baohinlad
  • Dittachai Chankuna


Customers Behavior, Buying Process, Contemplate, Marketing mix, Sports Equipment, Facebook


This research aimed to analyze the marketing mix factors affecting the decision making of the customers in Amphoe Muang, Chon Buri province in purchasing sports equipment products through Facebook application for business. The binary logistic regression was used to analyze data. The data were collected through the Google form questionnaire. The samples were 443 customers who had purchased sports equipment products through Facebook application in the last six months. The samples were divided into 2 groups: 296 customers who purchased with Buying Process, and other 147 customers who purchased with none contemplate. The results demonstrated that there were two significant factors: Product and Price of the marketing mix factors affecting the customers’ decision making in purchasing sports equipment products. The efficiency of the prediction of the independent relation was 84.4 percent.


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