Comparative Study of the Planned Travel Behavior Factors and the Travel mode of Thais and Chinese’s Tourists Affecting the Intention of Hi-Speed Train Traveling
Planed Travel Behavior, Travel Mode, Travel Mode Shift, High-Speed Train, TouristsAbstract
This research aims to investigate the factors of planned travel behaviors that affecting the intention shift to use high-speed trains among Thai and Chinese tourists, and to compare the factors of planned travel behaviors and travel mode among Thai and Chinese tourists. Data was collected through a bilingual questionnaire (Thai-Chinese) with the Cronbach's alpha reliability co-efficient of 0.799-0.852. Hypothesis testing was conducted using one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.
The results revealed that three factors were significantly positively related with the Thai and Chinese tourists' shifts towards travelling by a hi-speed train— attitude to high-speed train (β=0.169: p<0.05, β=0.245: p<0.05), influenced of social norms (β=0.380: p<0.01, β=0.298: p<0.01), and perceived of easy to travel (β=0.158: p<0.05, β=0.280: p<0.01). Regarding the planned behavior travel factors, it was found that Thai tourists relied more heavily on attitude to high-speed train than the Chinese when shifting towards traveling by train (p<0.05). Regarding the travelling modes, it was found that the Chinese tourists favored safety and good services; the Thai tourists favored comfort (p<0.05).
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