Factors Influencing Intention to Use the Inter-City Route Ticketing System (Bor Kor Sor Card) of Transport Co., Ltd.: An Integration of Technology Acceptance Model and Innovation Diffusion Perspective


  • Suvaporn Phasuk
  • Chayawee Angsusingha
  • Davids Makararpong


Technology acceptance model, Inter-City Bus E-Ticketing, Intelligent transportation system, Intention to Use Technology


The purpose of this research article is to investigate the factors influencing the intention to use the intercity bus card system (Bor Kor Sor Card) by passengers traveling on intercity bus routes in Thailand. This study utilized a survey conducted with service users of intercity bus routes in four main areas: Bangkok Bus Terminal, Northern Bus Terminal, Eastern Northeastern Bus Terminal, and Southern Bus Terminal, with a total of 616 responses. The survey questionnaire was developed based on a research framework within the context of technology acceptance and innovation diffusion theory. A literature review related to the use of smart card systems in both the direct and indirect transport sectors was conducted to gain a better understanding of passenger behavior in the current era.

Statistical analysis through multiple stepwise regression revealed that the technology of booking and paying for bus fares through mobile application platforms, in the form of the BKS Card, significantly influenced social factors, environmental factors that support technology usage, and perceived financial risk factors. These factors, in contrast, did not significantly impact the intention to use technology. However, factors related to attitudes toward technology experimentation, observed outcomes, perceived benefits, and perceived ease of use had a considerable influence on passengers' intention to accept and promote the dissemination of this technology system.



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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)