Attitudes and Viewing Behavior Influencing YouTube Channel Loyalty among Generation Z in Bangkok and its Vicinity
attitude, behavior, loyalty, YouTube channel, Generation ZAbstract
The objectives of this study were to study 1) the relationships between attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics, attitude towards program content, viewing behavior and YouTube channel loyalty among Generation Z in Bangkok and its vicinity; and 2) the effects of attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics, attitude towards program content and viewing behavior on YouTube channel loyalty among Generation Z in Bangkok and its vicinity.
The samples in this study were Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2007) living in Bangkok and its vicinity. In this study, a total of 400 copies of questionnaire were used as the research instrument in the data collection and the data analysis was performed using inference statistics. The hypothesis testing was performed using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics, attitude towards program content and viewing behavior were positively correlated with YouTube channel loyalty among Generation Z in Bangkok and its vicinity. The correlation coefficients of these relationships in descending order were as follows: attitude towards program content (r=0.684), attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics (r=0.632), and viewing behavior (r=0.426). The multiple regression analysis revealed that the attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics, attitude towards program content and viewing behavior influenced YouTube channel loyalty among Generation Z. The effect sizes (β) in descending order were as follows: attitude towards YouTuber’s characteristics (β=0.429), attitude towards program content (β=0.269), and program viewing behavior (β=0.148).
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