The Role of Consumer Knowledge in Purchase Intention of Broiler Feed with Hemp through Trust : A Multi-group Analysis of Gender


  • Chitawanphat Weerasai
  • Jatuporn Kajaysri


Consumer Knowledge, Trust, Price, Purchase Intention, Broiler Feed with Hemp, Multi-group Analysis, Gender Differences


The main objectives of this study were to examine the role of consumer knowledge about broiler feed containing CBD extracted from hemp in intention to purchase broiler feed containing CBD extracted from hemp through trust in the product. Additionally, it aimed to compare differences between male and female consumers. The sample consisted of 239 consumers involved in raising broilers and/or broiler feed, including farmers, veterinarians, and animal husbandry professionals. The data were collected using questionnaires. The data analysis was conducted using the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), and the multi-group analysis was conducted using the Partial Least Squares-Multi-group Analysis (PLS-MGA). The main results of the study revealed that consumer knowledge about broiler feed containing CBD extracted from hemp has a significantly positive indirect impact on purchase intention through trust in the product. However, this impact did not significantly differ between male and female consumers.


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