A Study of Structural Equation Model from Perspectives of the Community Entrepreneurs in the Northern Thailand
Success Factors, Community Entrepreneurs, Northern Thailand, Structural Equation ModelAbstract
This article aimed at identifying the success factors needed by community entrepreneurship in the Northern Thailand using the Structural Equation Model (SEM).A questionnaire was used to collect data.Validity and reliability were conducted to test the instrument and modelling. A quantitative data analysis was accomplished using SEM. The collected data were analyzed using LISREL. The samplings of this study were the community entrepreneurship located in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Nan, Tak, and Phitsanulok provinces. Free parameter variables of this study, after the validity and reliability methods, were thirty-nine items. These thirty-nine parameters were calculated by ten times per each parameter, 390 samplings in total. The stratified sampling was used to find the number of collecting data from each province. The returned and cleaned data remained 358 samplings for analyzing the constructed model using SEM through LISREL software. The thorough research study indicated that the most important success factors of community entrepreneurs were accessibility of financial which related to supporting asset evaluation systems used for loan collateral and fair competition among financial service providers which benefit to community entrepreneur. Based on the results found from this work, the first hypothesis (i.e., the needs of supporting on accessibility to financial), as well as the success factors of community entrepreneur on administrational skill and education through supporting on accessible to financial had an influence on the success factors of community entrepreneurs (i.e., the third hypothesis). It means that the community entrepreneur should be able to access an asset evaluation systems of loan collateral with financial provide by service provider fairly and benefit to operate their business based on community entrepreneurs’ perspective in the Northern Thailand.
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