Utilizing Gamification to Enhance Communication and Participation in the Digital Age Society
Gamification, Communication, Participation, Digital SocietyAbstract
This article “Utilizing Gamification to Enhance Communication and Participation in the Digital Age Society” tries to investigate the concept of gamification as the application of basic principles of game design and gameplay mechanics to be applied in a context that has different objectives in a way that is not directly playing the game. Its main aim is to increase engagement, interest, and be able to motivate players through various methods. The distinctive features and elements of gamification that were adapted for use in today's digital age society. Therefore, it leads to a review of literature related to gamification to see the use of gamification shows the importance and relationship of using gamification to communicate and create participation in today's society. This literature review found that the research has been published over 22 years (AD 2003 - 2024). It can be divided into 3 important areas: (1) educational technology, (2) marketing and business management and (3) creating social benefits. Using gamification for communication is another communication tool that helps create participation and results that are beneficial and appropriate for today's society. Moreover, it is also possible to create conditions for players to develop desired behavior according to their goals.
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