The Influence of E-Service Quality and Food Quality on Continuance Usage Intention: The Role of E-Satisfaction in Online Food Delivery


  • Suteera Detnakarin
  • Thananya Yincharoen
  • Akkayarn Arrayayarn


E-Service Quality, Food Quality, E-Satisfaction, Continuance Usage Intention, Online Food Delivery


The objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate the direct influence of e-service quality and food quality on continuance usage intention of online food delivery applications; and 2) examine the indirect influence among e-service quality, food quality, and continuance usage intention of online food delivery applications through the mediation role of e-satisfaction. The sample group consisted of 721 individuals with experience ordering online food delivery through at least one application, using convenience sampling. The research instrument was an online questionnaire, and the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). This analysis showed that the theoretical model was relevant to the empirical data. The findings were as follows: 1) e-service quality had a significant direct influence on continuance usage intention of apps, while the influence of food quality on continuance usage intention of apps was found to be not significant; 2) e-service quality had an indirect influence on continuance usage intention, partially mediated by e-satisfaction; and 3) food quality had an indirect influence on continuance usage intention, fully mediated by e-satisfaction. The findings demonstrated that e-satisfaction was an important factor in the decision to continue using online food delivery applications.


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