Model of Curriculum and Elderly Teaching Learning Management in Innovation Creativity Era (Romsamohvittaya School) Mueang District, Phitsanulok


  • Thanakorn Sriko Major of Educational Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Phitsanulok University


Curriculum, Teaching learning management, Elderly, Innovation creativity era, Elderly school (Romsamohvittaya school)


The research aims 1) to study the problem and context in learning of elderly 2) to develop the model of curriculum and teaching and studying management for elderly in the creative innovation era, and 3) to assess the model. The samples were 10 academic administrators, teachers, and philosophers and 92 elderly people in the elderly school (Romsamohvittaya school) Mueang district, Phitsanulok. The data collection used focus group and questionnaire for studying requirements of curriculum contents and teaching and studying management methods. The data analysis used content analysis and analyzing by average, standard deviation and testing hypothesis by t, f value. The result showed that most elderly people have the physical health problems and they want the teaching and studying curriculum in the creative innovation era by emphasizing on the self-health cares by using information and application software and building the career and income by leveraging the local wisdom knowledge.  The assessment result of curriculum in overview, is in high level, The highest aspect is learning methodology. The second is curriculum structure, linking a core curriculum and learning measurement and assessment.






บทความวิจัย (Research article)