
  • Donrudee Tabtim Srinakharinwirot University
  • Ungsinun Intarakamhang Srinakharinwirot University
  • Oraphin Choochom Srinakharinwirot University


Family Caregiver, Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus, Resilience


          A family caregiver is a member who takes role as a primary caregiver following elderly diabetes mellitus patient problems and demands from patient’s physical disability, cognitive impairment, and personal demands make change and impact to the caregiver’s resilience. This article aims to present a literature concept, factors effecting to resilience, promoting resilience measurement of resilience and benefit of resilience.Elderly diabetes mellitus patients are prevalent increases all over the world, and it is chronic disease that must be maintained for a continuous, long. In the meantime, the elderly are the groups that needs to be prioritized because physical and intellectual abilities degenerate with age, making it limited to take care of one’s health. Family caregiver of elderly diabetes mellitus patients are very important to reduce health problems and complication of diabetes mellitus. Because diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, person who have it need to be cared for or monitored their health continuously. While elderly diabetes mellitus patients caregiver potential recession, because caregiver be both responsible for make money and caring. Family caregiver can face up to any problems encountered. Resilience is one factor that contribute caregiver to adapt and recover after encountering a crisis or difficult situation. Resilience is necessary for family caregiver of elderly with diabetes mellitus. Therefore it is important to understand the basic knowledge and concept to resilience coordinate care for elderly diabetes mellitus patient and family caregiver. Making it ready to take care for elderly diabetes mellitus patient effectively.


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How to Cite

Tabtim, D. ., Intarakamhang, U. ., & Choochom, O. . (2021). RESILIENCE OF FAMILY CAREGIVER: AN IMPORTANT TO CARING ELDERLY DIABETES MILITUS PATIENTS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(1), 1–16. Retrieved from



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