Fantasized Romanticity: A Place for One Night Stand


  • สันต์ สุวัจฉราภินันท์ Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai University


This paper aims to explore the radical change of attitudes, social norms, and meanings people give to an alternative definition of “love and romantic” in Thai modern society. Through the notion of “space/place” and a particular type of building Rohng raem maan root or curtain hotel, this paper analyzed the representation of spatio-temporal condition of love and romantics and its manifesation. Rohng raem maan root will be aspects in two directions: in social aspect where alternative emotion and feeling can be accommodated, and in physical aspect where it becomes the symbolic form of new social conditions.

This paper employs the notion of “Other space” regarded as theoretical framework to explore how Rohng raem maan root can possibly function in Thai society. Reading Rohng raem maan root in the light of the “Other space”, it can be understood as the hidden place where it squeezes itself into the so-called “normal urban landscape”. It is also a deviant space where it can possibly escape the discourse of “love” and family. The structure of this paper will be divided into 3 parts: the first part concentrates on the theoretical understanding and the methodology, the second part explores Rohng raem maan root in Chiang Mai Municipal area; in both physical as well as metaphorical forms and the third part analyzes the signs and symbols found in Rohng raem maan root which are to be unpacked and examined how it signifies and represents.


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How to Cite

สุวัจฉราภินันท์ สันต์. 2019. “Fantasized Romanticity: A Place for One Night Stand”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 23 (1-2):53-80.



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