Shan Food: Routes, Mobility, and Social Space in Urban Chiang Mai


  • บุศรินทร์ เลิศชวลิตสกุล Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University


Shan, Mobility, Social Space, Chiang Mai


This paper examines the creation of social space by the Shan people in Chiang Mai, as it relates to Shan food culture. The study considered the routes and transport of products and ingredients included in Shan food culture, as well as the consumer transactions between Shan and non-Shan people. It also considered the various actors involved in the flow, transport and production of Shan foods, and their roles in creating “spaces of inclusion” for non-Shan people to taste “other” food. The paper forwards the argument that the migration of Shan food vendors to Chiang Mai and other urban areas has improved both the visibility and access to Shan foods, while increasing their popularity and sales.


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How to Cite

เลิศชวลิตสกุล บุศรินทร์. 2019. “Shan Food: Routes, Mobility, and Social Space in Urban Chiang Mai”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 22 (2):123-57.