The Colored-shirt Politics and the Study of Counter-movement in the Tradition of Social and Political Movement Study


  • เอกพลณัฐ ณัฐพัทธนันท์ Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


Movement, Counter-movement


The scholars in the past had largely overlooked the definitions of terms, which led to their confusion and failure to distinguish the differences between movements and counter-movements. Through the case study of the colored-shirt movements arising from the conflicts in the crucial political period, this article aims to engage in the academic debate and elucidate the understanding of movements and counter-movements from the social and political perspectives. With both quantitative and qualitative approaches, this article argues that the red shirts movement is “not” a counter-movement of the yellow shirts movement. Moreover, from my findings, the counter-movements in this transitional period can be classified into two types. Type I refers to the quite freely assembling counter-movements (the Yellow Shirts movement) and Type II refers to the hierarchical counter-movements, which are well organized by the state (the Blue Shirts movement). This article defines the term “counter-movements” relating to the concept about “social change”. Hence, at this point, the social movement is “the democratic movement” and the counter-movement is “the anti-democratic movement”.


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How to Cite

ณัฐพัทธนันท์ เอกพลณัฐ. 2019. “The Colored-Shirt Politics and the Study of Counter-Movement in the Tradition of Social and Political Movement Study”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 27 (1):85-128.