Subaltern Studies”: Rethinking Historiography and the Movement from Below




Historiography, History from below, Subaltern studies, South Asian history, Imperialism and Nationalism


Subaltern Studies Collective (SSC) grew in reputation in the 1980s as a group of scholars devoted to historical investigation of society and politics under colonialism, especially in the context of South Asia under British domination. Concurrently, the Collective is also critical of nationalist movements and the regimes in the wake of decolonization, which had allegedly ended imperialism. Both the imperialists and the nationalists were, according to the SSC, elitist. This elitism pervade (neo-)colonialist and nationalist historiographies and exclude the masses and their politics from history. The Collective’s methods in studying history have been considered innovative. It encompasses sensitivity to the lives, passion and perspectives of the subalterns. As a result, they have brought Subaltern Studies far beyond the geographical and experiential specificities of South Asia and inspired similar studies in various parts of the world. Thus, this article will discuss (1) the concept of the “subaltern” and its translation in Thai language, (2) the focus of Subaltern Studies, (3) some examples of SSC works, and (4) some critiques of the Collective’s approaches.


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How to Cite

สุวรรณกิจ สิงห์. 2019. “Subaltern Studies”: Rethinking Historiography and the Movement from Below”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 27 (1):149-89.