The Creation of Standardization in Organic Rice Farming


  • เนตรดาว เถาถวิล Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University


Organic agriculture, Organic based-standards, Standardization, Governmentality, Isan farmers


This paper examines the standardization in organic agriculture by looking at the export-oriented organic rice farming in Northeastern Thailand. The standardization in the export-oriented organic rice farming is made possible through the discursive practices of international organic-based standards on the local farmers. The imposition of international organic standards on the local farmers aims to transform conventional rice farming to organic rice farming and to get farmers certified as organic producers in order to be able to export organic rice to niche markets overseas. Through Foucault’s concept of “governmentality” this article examines standardization in organic rice farming in the form of control over the farmers. The control over farmers is operated by the use of disciplinary power and the manufacturing consent among the farmers themselves. The production of consent among farmers is created through the process of self-regulating farmers whereby farmers conform with the regulations by following the procedure conducted by the others. The farmers agreed with the measure of standardization because they were informed that disciplinary and self-regulation would help them to get higher productivity and to improve their competitiveness in global markets.


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How to Cite

เถาถวิล เนตรดาว. 2019. “The Creation of Standardization in Organic Rice Farming”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 25 (1):107-37.