Local Cultural Logic Deployed in the Control of Workers: A Case Study of Frozen Food Workers in Agro-industrial Chain




Rural transformation, Rural industrial workers, Cultural logic, Industrial discipline


This paper presents a rural transformation process under the context of globalization, by focusing on the industries located in rural areas, as part of global food chain. This article explores a practice of the industrial sector in the case of a frozen fruit and vegetable factory in Chiang Mai province. It demonstrates how the factory has employed local cultural logic and community way of life to control farmers to accept industrial discipline.


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How to Cite

กิจนุกร สืบสกุล. 2019. “Local Cultural Logic Deployed in the Control of Workers: A Case Study of Frozen Food Workers in Agro-Industrial Chain”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 25 (1):173-98. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/171562.