Khruba Khao Pi’s Robe Changing Ceremony: Building and Expanding Networks of Disciples and Believers


  • ขวัญชีวัน บัวแดง Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University
  • พิสิษฏ์ นาสี Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


Khruba Khao Pi’s Robe Changing Ceremony, Network of believers, Objects of sacredness


This article shows that the network of disciples and believers of Khruba Khao Pi is still vibrant and expanding in spite of the latter’s demise since 39 years ago. Like other recent religious networks, connections have been made with diverse individuals and groups by human and non-human agencies, resulting in the expansion of the network. This article describes the network of believers of Khruba Khao Pi which comprises of disciples and believers who have met Khruba Khao Pi, and new believers who have known and experienced Khruba Khao Pi’s sacredness via persons and sacred objects. This network of disciples and believers is visible in Khruba Khao Pi’s Robe Changing Ceremony which is annually held on the 3rd of March, at Wat Phra Phutthabat Pha Nam, Li District of Lamphun. This article employs a concept of Actor Network Theory (ANT) to analyze the role of human agencies in connecting old disciples and believers who live scatteredly elsewhere and expanding new connections. As for non-human agencies, Khruba Khao Pi’s body, his robe which is taken off every year, and his personified sacred objects also play crucial roles in maintaining and expanding the network of his disciples and believers.


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How to Cite

บัวแดง ขวัญชีวัน, and นาสี พิสิษฏ์. 2019. “Khruba Khao Pi’s Robe Changing Ceremony: Building and Expanding Networks of Disciples and Believers”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 27 (2):29-61.