

  • ปิ่นแก้ว เหลืองอร่ามศรี Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


youth culture, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, agency


This article traces the historical development of the study of youth culture within the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies since the 1950s. Studies about youth culture have shifted from the perspective that see this type of culture as a nascent form of adult culture prone to be vulnerable and deviant, to rethink youth culture as something independent from the mainstream culture of the society. Debate on youth culture since the 1990s especially within the field of cultural studies has widened the scope of youth culture study in relation to changes brought about by forces of capitalism and globalization. It also looks at youth culture through lenses of class conflict in the complex political economic context within which youth culture has been formulated. Anthropological study in the late 1990s has emphasized the dimension of practice among the youth and how it relates to action, expression, consumption, as well as group interaction. Anthropologists also pay more attention to diverse identity constructions and spatial meaning as part of the youth cultural experiences. The article also briefly discusses sociological and anthropological studies about youth culture in Thailand which remains relatively limited.


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How to Cite

เหลืองอร่ามศรี ปิ่นแก้ว. 2019. “วัฒนธรรมวัยรุ่น”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 22 (1):25-52. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/172544.