Trade in the Hinterland of Peninsula Southeast Asia: Examining the Idea of Pre-modern State and Trade Emphasis


  • วราภรณ์ เรืองศรี Faculty of humanities, Chiang Mai University.


pre-modern state, trade, transformation to modern state


This paper is intended to investigate these four important issues: (1) understanding paradigms of the pre-modern state (2) remarking on the paradigms through the study of caravan trade (3) changes to and context of the nation state and annexation of a tributary state of Siam which exhibited a new actor in this area, and (4) return to investigate the idea of the pre-modern state through trade activity.

These four issues change some of the previous understanding about the pre-modern state. Trade is not only related to all people, classes and genders, but is also a condition to explain the formation and existence of the pre-modern state. However, because structural explanation is not sufficient, it is necessary to find another relation which is closer to livelihoods of people.

For the most part, obstructive conditions, geography and environment of the inland state were used to explain impediments to trade. However, this does not address what mechanisms the state develops to manage these problems.

The investigation in this paper needs to go beyond the economic determinate and make the connection with socio-cultural and political dimensions. This study of the transformation from pre-modern state to modern state begins with an assumption that reconsideration of the Pre-modern state paradigm is needed to bring about a fundamental explanation of the change that differs from the old paradigm.


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How to Cite

เรืองศรี วราภรณ์. 2019. “Trade in the Hinterland of Peninsula Southeast Asia: Examining the Idea of Pre-Modern State and Trade Emphasis”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 21 (2):37-57.