Male Transnational Labour Returnees and Contested Meanings of “Khon Pai Klai” (who going far away)

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พรรณภัทร ปลั่งศรีเจริญสุข


This article focuses on male transnational labour returnees considered as active agents, who are members of their families and communities, characterized by the differentiation of classes and social status. In addition, for rural villagers working abroad is used as a practice of negotiation with mainstream development, which is ideologically based on modernization. Working abroad is deemed to be a source of reproduction and reconstruction of identities. Transnational labourers are under the assumption that they might have better opportunities to gain experiences and accumulate multiple types of capital, which they can use to increase the efficiency of their coping strategies for household labor and identity reconstruction when returning home.

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ปลั่งศรีเจริญสุข พ. (2019). Male Transnational Labour Returnees and Contested Meanings of “Khon Pai Klai” (who going far away). Journal of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University, 21(2), 59–100. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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