Border Studies and Anthropology of Borders: The Making of Space, Territory, and Trans-boundary of Border Knowledge


  • จักรกริช สังขมณี Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University


The article is aimed at opening up an academic space and, at the same time, stimulating scholastic interests in border studies, especially from anthropological perspectives. Through a literature review of multi-disciplinary works in the social sciences related to border studies, it argues for the need of developing better conceptual frameworks as well as methodologies in Thai social science circles to cope with the complexity of issues and dynamics of borders. The article traces back to the seminal works in border studies, especially those on the US-Mexican border, and their influences that shape later border studies in other regions of the world. The article also provides an antipodean perspective of this issue by giving prominence to clashes that exist between colonial concepts of borders and the traditional ones in Mekong area. Both cases of the US-Mexican border and the Mekong area show that the perceptions of border have been continually in flux due to the transformation of international order as well as the fruitful result of academic debates. Drawing on these findings, the article argues that without a common ground in defining the scope, past development, theoretical achievement, and well-defined methodology in border studies, the knowledge on borders will continue to be replicated with no distinctive academic grounds. A firm establishment of border studies is thus necessary if border studies and anthropology of border are to emerge as an effective field of study in the near future.


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How to Cite

สังขมณี จักรกริช. 2019. “Border Studies and Anthropology of Borders: The Making of Space, Territory, and Trans-Boundary of Border Knowledge”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 20 (2):209-66.