

  • มาลี สิทธิเกรียงไกร Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


Medical power, social suffering, health-environment, Klity Lang village in Kanchanaburi Province


This article is the result of an ethnographic study of the social suffering experienced by the two Karen groups in Klity Lang village, Kanchanaburi Province; suffering caused by lead pollution in the Klity stream. Participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentary research were all employed in order to carry out the necessary work for the study. Foucault’s concept of power and knowledge is used to explain how the medical discourse carried out produces social suffering for the Klity Lang villagers. Lead contamination has not only affected the social lives of people in Klity Lang village, it has also impacted their health over the last two decades. This article describes the suffering caused by lead contamination within the context of another kind of suffering; suffering produced by the medical treatment itself. According to the villagers, medical doctors defined their illnesses through the measurement of blood lead-levels, measurements taken during blood tests, and also through the conceptualization of risk and surveillance. Such medical work concealed the villagers’ personal illness narratives. Moreover, it represented a form of medical power which deprived the sufferers of their power. This article argues that the medical practice process itself has produced social suffering for the two Karen villager groups.


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www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HEC/CSEM/ Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
(CSEM): Lead Toxicity, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR): Department of Health and Human Services U.S.A.





How to Cite

สิทธิเกรียงไกร มาลี. 2019. “การแพทย์กับการผลิตซ้ำความทุกข์เชิงสังคม”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 20 (1):41-80. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/173774.