The Akha and Social Suffering: The Unintended Consequences of International and National Policies in Northern Laos
Main Article Content
This article is based on the premise that the study of health should not be confined to physical disease, but should also encompass mental and social well-being. This broad, holistic perspective is exemplified in the theory of ‘social suffering’, a theory that explores the harmful impact that sociopolitical and economic forces (including seemingly benevolent development policies) have on collective and individual experience. The article focuses on the Akha people in two districts of northern Laos, and will investigate the deleterious effects of, and social suffering caused by international and national policies, such as the elimination of shifting cultivation, the resettlement of highland minorities to the lowlands, and opium demand and supply reduction.
Article Details
All written articles published on Journal of Social Sciences is its author’s opinion which is not belonged to Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University or is not in a responsibility of the journal’s editorial committee’s members.
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