

  • พฤกษ์ เถาถวิล Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ubon Ratchathani University


Cross-border trade, Regulation, Female trader


This article investigates a cabbage importer across borders from Laos to Thailand, at the Chong Mek border checkpoint, showing complexity and dynamism of local-global linkage in the age of globalization. Actor-oriented approach is used to analyze the roles and strategies of the cabbage importers. The article shows a condition that led a northeastern Thai female trader to become a cabbage importer, their important roles in managing labor and other procedures that related to this trading. The impact of a liberalization policy on this cross-border trade is also considered. This article critically exposes a problem underneath this cross-border trade, power relations and unequal relationships that lead to the exploitations on farmers and wage laborers as well as the environmental degradation in Laos.


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How to Cite

เถาถวิล พฤกษ์. 2019. “สุขภาพของแรงงานข้ามชาติกับการเข้าถึงบริการสาธารณสุขของรัฐ”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 19 (2):157-91. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/173786.