Factors Affecting Stigma Women with Disabilities in Political Participation


  • Kachakorn Thaveesri GCF Regional Director: Southeast Asia, Global Campus Foundation


Stigma, Women Disabilities, Political Participation


This research article is part of the research “Factors Affecting Stigma Women with Disabilities in Political Participation”, this is a qualitative research, the objective is to cover the complexity and diversity of phenomena and experience in the political participation of women with disabilities, and stigma/elements of the stigma that affect women with disabilities, each in recognition of the experience of attending political participation. The sample is a female-disabled woman who is a ten person leader; the sample chooses a new leader in the concept of a social movement in the past six months to participate in a public stage or political activity at least once. In this research, a semi-structured interview was chosen to focus on the main points that would be studied, open-ended questions help encourage participants to begin to share their stories about themselves and use questions to enlarge and encourage words by giving them an opportunity to explain more from those stories. However, the process of data analysis is done carefully to prevent prejudice, and will present most of the information provided by telling the experience with the words or “quotation” by the findings that have led to the political participation situation of the women with disabilities, conditions contributing to the political contribution of women with disabilities the relationship between sexual stigma and disability with political participation of women with disabilities as well as guidelines for reducing stigma to women with disabilities and promoting political participation of women with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Thaveesri, Kachakorn. 2019. “Factors Affecting Stigma Women With Disabilities in Political Participation”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 31 (2):56-81. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/223012.