The Development of Anthropology of Music in Thai Society
ethnomusicology, anthropology of music, development in Thai societyAbstract
This article aims to explore the historical development of ethnomusicological concepts in Thai society. I suggest that the ethnomusicology in Thailand is still rooted in theories and methods used in comparative musicology, an outdated approach that existed even before the founding of the discipline. Ethnomusicology was initially considered the study of non-Western musics while the study of Western music as colonialism is a musicological study. The rise of American Anthropology shifted the definition of ethnomusicology to the study music in and as culture. In Thailand, ethnomusicology was first established as a graduate course in Music Education program in higher education institutes following the paradigmatic turn toward folklore studies in the 1970s. However, the ethnomusicological discourse in Thailand are dominated by a confused discussion of defining itself against musicology. It is thus imperative to understand the social contexts undergirding the establishment of the discipline. I contend that Thai ethnomusicologists must have a greater understanding of interdisciplinary theories in humanities to situate the study of music within the culture of which it is a part and the people who use it.
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