Repositioning of Resistance: Women, Community Forestry, and Practice of “Forest Reclaiming”


  • Paiboon Hengsuwan Chiang Mai University


Resistance is a field of study in the social sciences. The article aims to rethink resistance from local people's perspectives, especially ethnic women, to expand understanding beyond the static dichotomy of opposition of domination and resistance. The article reviewed relevant literatures and the research conducted to collect data in May 2016 through field surveys, participant/non-participant observations, and in-depth interviews. The main finding is that, from the case of the state action on forest conservation and the response of residents living in the mountainous forest community, the everyday life resistance of local people within the uneven power structure is still limited in terms of negotiation that people have a certain level of ability to solve only immediate problems. It cannot lead to a main structural change in forest management and conservation


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How to Cite

Hengsuwan, Paiboon. 2023. “Repositioning of Resistance: Women, Community Forestry, and Practice of ‘Forest Reclaiming’”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 35 (2):142-84.