A Phenomenological Study of Destitute Students’ Learned Helplessness Amphoe Ban Fang, Khon Kaen Province
Helplessness, Destituteness, PhenomenologyAbstract
This research employed qualitative research based on phenomenology. The overarching aim of the study was to study the characteristics of learned helplessness among impoverished students through the lens of phenomenology. In this study, the key informants, who provided firsthand experiences and comprehensive data on the studied phenomenon, consisted of a total of four students. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations of phenomena in the research area. The instruments used in the research included: personal interview data recording form, in-depth interview question, field notes, and audio recorders. Data analysis followed Seligman’s theory of depression components. The research results reveal that the characteristics of hopelessness among impoverished students are as follows: 1) cognitive deficits, including a diminished sense of ability, 2) motivational deficits, consisting of: 2.1 periods of regression, 2.2 repetitive behavior, 2.3 social bullying, and 3) emotional deficits, consisting of: 3.1 feelings of inferiority, 3.2 emotional outbursts. Additionally, socio-economic status emerged as a critical factor contributing to the development of learning helplessness in impoverished students. Furthermore, the research identified key experiences associated with student hopelessness: 1) experiences of parental divorce, 2) experiences with guardians involved in gambling or substance abuse, 3) the loss of a family leader or primary provider, and 4) experiences of coercion. These findings suggested that students felt demotivated in their studies due to a lack of family support, financial resources, emotional warmth, and parental engagement in their education. These conditions negatively impacted students' self-perception, leading to feelings of incompetence and hopelessness about life, and diminishing the value they place on education. This study highlighted the need for educators and stakeholders to deeply understand each individual student, providing opportunities and support for students to showcase their abilities. Teachers, as vital intermediaries, should help create a nurturing environment that fosters warmth and inspiration, instilling positive attitudes and an optimistic worldview in students. This will ultimately lead to the development of students as potential individuals who can contribute positively to society.
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