Who should be Whistleblower in flood disaster management in Thailand?

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Siriruk Sinhasema


Whistle-blowers play a crucial role in flood disaster management because they are a part of early warning system. Rapid and inclusive warning system bring about decreasing losses from disaster impact. A capacity of warning system is thus relates to determining a role of actors in situation management. The question that “who should be whistle-blower in flood disaster management in case of Sakon Nakhon province 2017” is raised from the case of flood disaster in Sakon Nakhon in 2017. This case is interested because in term of policy and practice, Ministry of Interior (MoI) is a strategic actor which has vast authority in management and related processes on situation including early warning system. Working together with other state agency partners or “bureaucrat partnership,” MoI and its allies however faced some limitations in flood disaster controlling. They fall under the trap of bureaucratic red tape which led to situational uncontrollability and ended with severed losses in property and economy. Also this circumstance separated state from society in term of democratic virtue.

Early warning system has become an argument which reflects the important of social actors to work together. This article tries to introduce relation among social actors or ‘citizen partnership’ as whistleblowers in flood disaster management. The significant of this relationship are not only help improve efficacy in flood disaster management that would keep public interest, it also to drive democracy by collaboration which bring the state closer to people. 


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How to Cite
Sinhasema, S. (2019). Who should be Whistleblower in flood disaster management in Thailand?. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 14(2), 14_191–210. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssnu/article/view/201410
Review Paper
Author Biography

Siriruk Sinhasema

คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง


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