Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • An article submitted for publication must be original work and not previously published in any other journal or being considered by another journal.
  • An author must submit a manuscript in accordance with the format guidelines specified by the journal (including spelling accuracy).
  • An article submitted to the system will only be accepted in Microsoft Word format. The author must use font “TH Niramit AS”, size 15 pt. (See the sample template in Download File).
  • Length of manuscripts: An academic or research article must not exceed 25 pages (including references). A review article or book review must not exceed 15 pages (including references).
  • Details of all authors must be provided, including an up-to-date e-mail address and a telephone number where they can easily be contacted.
  • Internet references that are cited in the article must have a valid and accessible URL.

Evaluation Criteria

Three experts from related fields, both internal and external, serve as peer reviewers for each article. The editorial team also uses a system in which the evaluators and authors of the articles do not know each other's identity (double-blind review). Therefore, the decision to publish submitted manuscripts is based on an objective evaluation by the expert reviewers, along with the editorial team’s review.

Evaluation Process

  1. The journal’s internal editorial team screens all submitted articles before forwarding the manuscript for review and evaluation of the articles’ quality.
  2. After the initial screening the editorial team will either reject the article or else propose that the article is taken forward and nominate reviewers to undertake the expert evaluation.
  3. If the editorial team proposes to take the article forward but detects an error or incompleteness in the article it will be returned to the authors for correction. After the author completes the correction, in accordance with the journal’s regulations and formatting, the article will be forwarded to three experts in the relevant field. The experts will be from diverse institutions and will evaluate the quality of the article for publication using a double-blind methodology ensuring the reviewers and authors’ name are kept confidential. This is to prevent conflicts of interest in the assessment. Furthermore, authors and reviewers who assess the quality of articles must not be affiliated with the same institutions. In addition, the editorial team must not disclose authors and reviewers’ names to other parties..
  4. After the reviewers’ evaluation, the editorial team will make a decision on whether or not to publish the article, based on the recommendation of the reviewers. The evaluation regulations of the JSSNU require that an article must receive at least two of the three votes.
  5. The author of the article must agree to comply with the conditions set by the journal editorial team and must allow the editorial team to edit the article prior to publishing.
  6. A final approval for publication is subject to a review by the JSSNU editorial team.


Type of Article

Articles considered for publication in the journal are in the field of social science, which can be divided into four categories:

  1. Academic article: an article of academic content that is analyzed and compiled from various
  2. sources, consisting of an introduction, and a body divided into main points, minor points, subpoints, and conclusions. Length of not more than 25 pages (including references).
  3. Research article: an article drawn from research conducted by an author or co-authors, consisting of background and statement of the problem, objectives, hypotheses of the research, scope of the research, expected benefits, related documents, research methodology (showing demographic information, sampling groups, research tools, data collection, data analysis. In the case of research in history, philosophy, literary criticism or comparative literature as well as other disciplines in the humanities, an article must clearly stateresearch methods in relation to their respective disciplines), and research results (summary of research results, discussion, and recommendations). Length of not more than 25 pages (including references).
  4. Review article: an article reviewing relevant literature with critiques and opinions, consisting of a title, abstract or synopsis, foreword, body, and references. Length of not more than 15 pages (including references).
  5. Book review: a short piece of writing that outlines the main arguments of a book (or combination of books) and presents strengths and weaknesses of the book in terms of theories, data, and findings, as well as groups of readers who could benefit from the book. Length of not more than 15 pages (including references).


Details of the Manuscript

  1. Size of the page: B5 (17.6 x 25 cm).
  2. Paper margins: Left, right, and lower margins set at 2 cm. Top margin set at 2.5 cm.
  3. Font: “TH Niramit AS”, size 15 pt., Arabic numerals (see the sample template in the download document), and single-spaced. Content should be arranged in the Thai Distributed style, except for the reference title, which should be aligned left.


Character Style

Printing Format (Alignment)

Font Size

Title of the article


Align left


Author’s name


Align right




Align left


Abstract content




Section topics


Align left




Use numbering






Emphasis on the content of the article








Reference list


Align left



  1. Paragraphs must be indented 1 centimeter (except for reference titles) with a hanging indent of 1.5 cm.
  2. An article’s title must be specified in Thai and English.
  3. Name all authors in Thai and English without any designations.
  4. Provide the name of affiliations in Thai and English, and an e-mail address.
  5. Abstract to be written in Thai and English with a maximum length of 250 words.
  6. Keywords should be in Thai and English: For a Thai abstract with multiple keywords provided use a single space between words. For an English abstract with multiple keywords use a comma (,) between the words and sort the keywords according to the degree of relevance to the article.
  7. Length of manuscripts: An academic or research article must not exceed 25 pages (including references). A review article or book review must not exceed 15 pages (including references).
  8. 11.For the article’s reference style and bibliography, the journal requires the use of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) style, or APA6. Citations are divided into two types: in-text citations and references at the end of the article.
  9. In the case of referencing Thai language sources, the author must translate Thai references into English and place them in the Thai reference list under the heading “Translated Thai References” and sort them into alphabetical order (as normal bibliography) and put them in brackets as "[in Thai]".
  10. Once a Thai article is accepted for publication, the author must translate in-text citations into English in order to comply with international standards. They must be accurate and consistent. The translated English citations must then replace the original Thai citations.
  11. Images, tables, and charts must be numbered, cited correctly and not infringe any copyright. Incase of the use of images, tables, and charts as references, if copyrighted, a document licensing the use of such works for publication must be provided.
  12. To ensure the acceptable quality of printed images, image files should have a resolution of 300 dpi or a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 (786,432 px).

Referencing Style Guide

See  Referencing Style Guide 


Initial Submission

Authors should submit manuscripts to the JSSNU website at https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssnu/about/submissions. Authors are required to subscribe to the journal prior to the submission of a manuscript.