The Traces of Social Contract Concepts Before 17th Century

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Suphachai Suphaphol


The aim of this article is to study the traces of the ideas of Social Contract in the western world before the 17th

century. This study employs documentary research method, in which the author examines texts that deal with some traces of Social Contract as primary sources. At the same time, some secondary documents are also included in the study. Overall, the results from this study show that there are many traces of social contract which can be traced back to the Ancient Greek era. It could be seen in the works of some Sophist thinkers as well as in some works of Plato, Aristotle. The traces of Social Contract also appears in the Roman era in which thinkers described it as a Contract of Government where the people are willing to bestow their consent to the government. However, the Social Contract as a concept had structurally developed in the Medieval Europe until the 16th century. This concept becomes an important foundation that develop into what we know as modern Social Contract theory that became popular and widespread in the 17th and the 18th century.


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How to Cite
Suphaphol, S. (2019). The Traces of Social Contract Concepts Before 17th Century. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 14(1), 14_3–36. Retrieved from
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