Inequality in Health System in Thailand from 1950 to 1996: The Political Economy Approach

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Pakpoom Saengkanokkul


Inequality in Health system in Thailand is complex and persistent. There have been many health economics literatures that studied the relationship between socio-economic factors on health, health financing and healthcare in Thailand. However, the political economy approach is another interesting approach in this field to explain why and how socio-economic disparities occur and how these affect disparities in health. It can also explain the influences of national development policies on national health policies in Thailand.Inequality in Health system in Thailand is complex and persistent. There have been many health economics literatures that studied the relationship between socio-economic factors on health, health financing and healthcare in Thailand. However, the political economy approach is another interesting approach in this field to explain why and how socio-economic disparities occur and how these affect disparities in health. It can also explain the influences of national development policies on national health policies in Thailand. This article aims to apply the political economy approach to: 1) analyze institutional factors that can affect the pathway of inequality in the Thai health system 2.) to analyze the relationship between economic development policies during 1950-1996 and the national health policy that resulted the disparity in the Thai health system This article explains the medicalisation and institutionalisation of the Nation-Buddhism-King in Thai health system that was different from experiences of western European countries. Unlike the welfare States in European countries that have strong power to intervene individuals and society to distribute welfare, the Thai health system is a mixed system that based on market mechanism and government interventions. The Thai state has limited scope of duties and responsibilities in providing public health services. He chooses to give only the population that is important to national economic and social development. The national health policies are determined by the national development policies. Because of the development model of Thailand during 1950-1996 prioritized economic growth, national health policies aimed to increase average value of population health rather than reducing inequality.


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How to Cite
Saengkanokkul, P. (2019). Inequality in Health System in Thailand from 1950 to 1996: The Political Economy Approach. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 15(2), 1–37. Retrieved from
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