Discourse and Meaning Construction of Mukdahan Special Economic Zone

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Surasom Krisnachuta
Pinwadee Srisupun


This article aims to understand the policy of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Thailand through the political viewpoint of development. SEZ has been discussed since the 1987s as the emergence of a neo-liberal economic that focused on development that diminished state power and allowed the market or the private sector to conduct independent economic activity. It is believed that the market will be able to work effectively. Neo-liberalism becomes the main discourse to set SEZ in the border areas of Thailand. It was found that even if this policy respond to the new economic liberalism, but in the context of Thailand, there is the creation of other discourses combined with the main discourse. As the case study of Mukdahan Special economic zone, voices from the local area are part of the definition of a special economic development zone. Therefore, SEZ is a field of competition for the definition of development, with a wide range of stakeholders involved in this field.


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How to Cite
Krisnachuta, S., & Srisupun, P. (2019). Discourse and Meaning Construction of Mukdahan Special Economic Zone. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 15(2), 15_38–66. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssnu/article/view/231417
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