Social Movement under Thai Military Government : The Case Study of Doi Suthep Forest Reclamation Network, Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Araya Fahrungsang


The Doi Suthep Forest Reclamation Network (DSFRN) is a successful social movement under the regime which did not provide political opportunities after the coup in 2014. Therefore, this article purpose is to analyze the factors that brought about the success of this network group through the resource mobilization theory and social movement concept.The Doi Suthep Forest Reclamation Network (DSFRN) is a successful social movement under the regime which did not provide political opportunities after the coup in 2014. Therefore, this article purpose is to analyze the factors that brought about the success of this network group through the resource mobilization theory and social movement concept. This study collected data from in-depth interviews and related documents. The results found that 1. the campaign of DSFRN received a great deal of support because this area has historical significance. The cable car project at Doi Suthep once was resisted and finally abolished. Since then, there have been a high number of organizations with experiences in social movement which have promoted art and culture, environment, and social justice. 2. The group leaders have chosen the Limited Participation method to mobilize resources in order to be consistent with situation under the authoritarian rule.


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How to Cite
Fahrungsang, A. (2019). Social Movement under Thai Military Government : The Case Study of Doi Suthep Forest Reclamation Network, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University, 15(2), 15_67–84. retrieved from
Review Paper


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