The Politics of Military Factions in Thai Politics, A.D.1973-2014
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We cannot deny that military factions are a political faction always involved in Thai politics. Wherein, the military factions came to have political roles through a coup and having roles in the parliament, including executive roles. Especially after the incident on October 14, 1973 when political and military powers that were centered at Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachon and Field Marshal Prapas Charusathien fell down, a vacuum has been created in the Royal Thai Army that had led to the formation of military factions which is the grouping of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) classmates led by class 7 and class 5. Even though the CRMA classmates fell apart in 1992, but the formation of the military factions still occurred and was transformed into a formation grouping of the military who grew up in the 2nd Infantry Division, Queen Sirikit’s Guard (Burapha Payak) and the 1st Divisions, the King’s Guard (Wongthewan) which grouping to build networks and influence in the Royal Thai Army. Whether it is the CRMA military factions led by class 7 and class 5, or the Burapha Phayak and Wongthewan these military factions took on political roles in both the coup and political positions. This article presents the various military factions that have played a role in Thai politics from 1973 to coup on May 22, 2014. What factions were formed within the Royal Thai Army and how did they come to have roles in politics and the military?.
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