Conflict management that affects being a learning organization of Wat Thammasala School (Luang Por Noi Upatham) Primary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom District 1

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Supachok Tangthong
Thanad Yhanthong


This study aims to study to compare the level of conflict management cooperation and the compromise As a result, it is a learning organization of Wat Dhammasala School. (Luang Por Noi Upatham) under Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, classified by personal factors of respondents consisting of gender, teacher status, educational level. and teaching experience. The population used in the study was Educational personnel at Wat Dhammasala School (Luang Por Noi Upatham) belonging to the Office of Primary Education Service Area, Nakhon Pathom District 1, consisted of 13 people. These are percentage, mean, standard deviation. Pearson's Correlation and Regression. The results of the study were mostly female respondents. Have the highest education with a bachelor's degree or lower And at the level 2 and has more than 10 years of experience as a learning organization of Wat Dharamshala School (Luang Por Noi Upatham), Nakhon Pathom Province, the operation was at a high level. when considering the results of each aspect. The results of the study were mostly female respondents. Have the highest education with a bachelor's degree or lower And at the level 2 and has more than 10 years of experience as a learning organization of Wat Dharamshala School (Luang Por Noi Upatham), Nakhon Pathom Province, the operation was at a high level. when considering the results of each aspect It was found that it was at a high level in all aspects, namely learning together as a team, followed by being a well-rounded person. building a common vision systematic thinking and having a conceptual pattern, respectively, classified by types of conflict management. cooperation has a positive effect on being The learning organization of Wat Dhammasala School (Luang Por Noi Upatham), Nakhon Pathom Province significantly. statistically at 0.01 level

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