The need Improve the executive competency of the administration of Ban Khun Prathet School Under the Nong Khaem district, Bangkok

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Weerawat Saraban
Thanad Yhanthong
Natthaphumin Yoskaew


This research the objectives were to study the development of administrative competency and to compare the needs for the development of administrative competency of the Ban Khun Prathet School educational institutions under Nong Khaem District. Bangkok including focusing on achievement self development Moral, Ethics and Professional Ethics. The population and the sample group were teachers of Ban Khun School. 54 primary school students and 18 secondary school teachers, a total of 72 people. including questionnaires 5-level estimator model according to Liker's principle the consistency index was between 0.60 – 1.00. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of the study revealed that most of the respondents were female. Age between 31-40 years old, bachelor's degree 10-15 years of experience, status as an elementary school teacher 1)Development of executive competency The overall average is moderate. When considering each aspect, it was found that the first place was the achievement-oriented aspect, followed by the moral and ethical aspect. and professional ethics, and lastly, self development 2) Comparison of needs to develop executive competency Classified by status by group as a whole It was found that primary school teachers had higher performance development needs than secondary school teachers. Comparison of executive competency development needs using tests the difference by t-test found that primary and secondary teachers had the same need for competency development.

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