Pre-treatment Process for Enhancing the Efficiency of Bioethanol Production from Banana Peel

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Sukajee Jitcheun
Panupong Jannawong
Tanawan Sukkasem
Karn Yampong


This research aims to study about pretretment processes for enhancing the efficiency of bioethanol production from waste of banana peel CV. Kluai Namwa. The method used in the study include pretreatment with 1 M hydrochloric acid, pretreatment with autoclave and pretreatment with 1% enzyme cellulase. fermentation with Sacchoromyces cerevisiae. Then perform to analysis of physical properties and chemical properties. It was found that the pretreatment with hydrochloric acid to be the highest pretreatment for produce ethanol about 3.4%, pH 5.87, initial of reducing sugar 0.87 mg/ml. The pretreatment with cellulase to be the lowest to produce ethanol about 1.2%, pH 5.53, initial of reducing sugar 0.66 mg/ml.            The pretreatment method with 1 M hydrochloric acidwas the most effective to improved production of bioethanol better than pretreatment with autoclave and pretreatment with cellulase, which yields of ethanol more than 0.76 and 2.83 fold, respectively.

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